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Finding Peace in a Frantic World.

Finding Peace is a well recognised and established mindfulness course, taught all over the world, and scientifically proven to help people cope better with stress and anxiety. The course is based on the book and the associated programme. I am qualified to teach this course.

The online course consists of eight, 90 minute sessions and a day of practice. Through guided meditations, group dialogue, individually tailored instructions and home practice, you will learn the essential principles of mindfulness and techniques to build your personal home practice and access the wide-ranging benefits well beyond the course.  

The 8-weeks of the course are as follows -

  • Waking up to the Autopilot

  • Keeping the Body in Mind

  • The Mouse in the Maze

  • Moving Beyond the Rumour Mill

  • Turning Towards Difficulties

  • Trapped in the Past..?

  • When did you stop dancing?

  • Your Wild and Precious Life

The key learning points include:

  • A variety of formal and informal mindfulness meditation practices, which involve using the breath and body as a focus for being aware of our experience in the present moment.

  • Understanding the physiology of stress and how to self-regulate our moods, so that we are better able to pause in challenging situations and manage our responses more effectively.

  • Recognising the patterns of worrying and self-criticism that often generate more stress; and learning to relate to ourselves with a more accepting and kinder stance.

  • Learning to have more mindful, and thus meaningful, communication, connections and relationships.

  • Developing practical self-care tools to help us thrive, perform at our best, and build resilience.

Research on the benefits of mindfulness -

  • Mindful practitioners are better equipped to handle day-to-day stress. Studies show that meditation training can help curb the tendency for distraction, strengthening the participant’s ability to concentrate and even boosting one’s memory performance.

  • Following an eight-week program, research has shown lasting changes in brain regions associated with memory, sense of self, empathy, and stress.

  • Science Direct conducted a study to determine how meditation can reduce ill health and depression. Results showed that meditation lowered the risk of inflammation that can lead to inflammatory disease as well as depression in participants.

  • A randomised controlled trial was conducted to determine the effects of mindful meditation on chronic pain and was published in Pain Medicine Volume 16, Issue 4. Findings showed that a mindfulness course contributes positively to pain management and can have positive results on patients that are dealing with long term chronic pain.

  • Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital conducted a study of 93 individuals suffering with generalised anxiety disorder. An intervention was conducted which focused on mindfulness and stress reduction. Once the intervention was completed, the participants reported a significant decrease in anxiety.

  • The Anxiety, Stress and Coping International Journal conducted a study that showed that meditation can relieve work related stress and anxiety, reducing the reliance on drugs and alcohol while improving sleep patterns and personal development.

Course Materials

  • Copy of the book - Finding Peace in a Frantic World

  • Downloadable guided meditations (male/female voice) for the home practice

  • The course teacher is also available for any urgent questions that come up between the sessions.

Online Format Option

Our experience in running online programs is that this medium offers an opportunity to have a rich and meaningful connection with the practices and group, from the convenience and comfort of your own space. This online format offers the same practices, exercises, teacher and small group, just as you would in our regular space.

Mindfulness can be a wonderful tool for coping with the stress, anxiety and uncertainty, so we hope that offering the courses and keeping them accessible at this time will be particularly helpful.



  • This class will be held on a web-based platform (Zoom).

  • Recording of the sessions, will be for internal use only. Purpose of recording is for supervision purposes and then will be deleted.

  • The teacher and participant(s) will be live and visible at various times. There will be group and one-to-one interaction as you would expect in a traditional classroom setting. Do contact us if you'd like to check out/test the online platform & your internet connection beforehand.

  • Registrants will receive additional details the week before the first session.

Zoom/Computer Requirements:

You will need:

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